Para uses the AWS Signature Version 4 algorithm for signing API requests. We chose this algorithm instead of OAuth because it is less complicated and is already implemented inside the core AWS Java SDK, which we have as direct dependency. In terms of security, both algorithms are considered very secure so there’s no compromise in that aspect.
Para offers two ways of authentication - one for apps using API keys and one for insecure clients (mobile, JS) using JWT. Apps authenticated with a secret key have full access to the API. Users authenticated with social login are issued JWT tokens and have limited access to the API, for example they can’t generate new API keys and they are authorized by specific resource permissions (see Resource permissions).
Full access for apps
In order to make a request to the API you need to have a pair of access and secret keys. Access keys are part of the HTTP request and secret keys are used for signing only and must be kept safe.
We recommend that you choose one of our API client libraries to handle the authentication for you.
Note: when a resource has public permissions you can access it without setting the Authorization
header. Simply specify your access key as a parameter:
GET /v1/public/resource?accessKey=app:myapp
Changing keys
Call POST /v1/_newkeys
to generate a new secret key (the request must be signed with the old keys).
For more information see the AWS documentation for REST authentication.
JSON Web Tokens - client access based on permissions
Para apps can create new users and grant them specific permissions by implementing social login (identity federation). First a user authenticates with their social identity provider such as Facebook, then comes back to Para with the access_token
and is issued a new JSON Web Token that allows him to access the REST API.
JWT tokens are a new standard for authentication which is similar to cookies but is more secure, compact and stateless. An encoded token looks like this:
When decoded the token looks like this:
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"sub": "587408205806571520",
"appid": "app:para",
"refresh": 1450137214490,
"nbf": 1450133614,
"exp": 1450738414,
"iat": 1450133614
To authenticate with users with social login use the Para client:
paraClient.signIn(String provider, String providerToken);
Supported providers are facebook
, google
, twitter
, github
, linkedin
, microsoft
, slack
, password
, oauth2
, oauth2second
, oauth2third
, ldap
, passwordless
For example calling paraClient.signIn("facebook", "facebook_access_token")
should return a new User
object and would store the JWT token in memory. To get an access token from Facebook, use their JavaScript SDK.
After you call paraClient.signIn()
and the request succeeds, the client caches the access token and all subsequent requests to the API will include that token until paraClient.signOut()
is called. This is different from the normal operation using access and secret keys. Usually, tokens are used to authenticate users, unless they are “super” tokens, which can authenticate apps (see below).
To get or set access tokens use:
paraClient.setAccessToken(String token);
To sign out and clear the JWT access token use:
Tokens can also be revoked by calling paraClient.revokeAllTokens()
but this only works for authenticated users. The Para client takes care of refreshing the JWT tokens every hour and by default all tokens are valid for a week.
Creating “super” tokens
Since v1.18.3 we’ve added the support for “super” JSON web tokens. These are just like normal tokens for users, but instead of authenticating users we can authenticate apps with them. The give clients full access to the API, bypassing permissions. You don’t need to connect to a social identity provider like Facebook or Twitter - you simply generate the tokens on the client-side. Your code will need both the access key and secret key for this purpose.
For example, lets assume we have some JavaScript app running in the browser and we need admin access to our Para app. We could use the JavaScript client for Para but putting the secret key inside client-side code on the browser is not a smart move. So we pull in a library for generating JWT, like jsrsasign and we create the token ourselves. Here’s a snippet:
function getJWT(appid, secret) {
var now = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
var sClaim = JSON.stringify({
exp: now + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60),
iat: now,
nbf: now,
appid: appid
var sHeader = JSON.stringify({'alg': 'HS256', 'typ': 'JWT'});
return KJUR.jws.JWS.sign(null, sHeader, sClaim, secret);
Your JS app could ask the user for the access keys, create a JWT and then discard the keys and use the newly generated “super” token. Once we have this we can attach it to every request as a header:
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOi0._MKAH6SGiKSoqgwmqUaxuMyE
When calling the Para API from JavaScript in the browser, make sure you are running a web server and not as file:///
or your browser might not allow CORS requests.
Calling the API from Postman
You can access the protected API from Postman since it has support for the AWS Signature v4 algorithm, used in Para. Open up Postman and in the “Authorization” tab choose “AWS Signature”:
Access Key | Your Para access key, e.g. app:myapp . |
Secret Key | Your Para secret key. |
Region | Not used. It should always be us-east-1 . |
Service Name | This should always be para . |
Make sure you don’t have extra headers in your requests because Postman is known to calculate invalid signatures for such requests.